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About United Technologies®

Number of Employees: 208,000+
Headquarters: 400 Main Street, East Hartford, CT 06118

The United Technologies Corporation is a multinational conglomerate headquartered in Hartford, Connecticut. The company specializes in research and development of high-technology products as it produces technologies such as aircraft engines, fuel cells, elevators, HVAC products, and industrial products. The company also provides technology for fire, security, and building systems. The United Technologies Corporation has military contracts to provide military helicopters and missile systems to the United States Armed Forces. Currently, the company has over 199,000 employees and is involved in many different business ventures under various corporate names as it is also manufactures wind turbines, power generation systems, air conditioning and heating systems, aerospace systems, and escalators.

What to Expect When Interviewing

The great majority of candidates that interview for a position with United Technologies report a positive interview experience. Potential workers can anticipate a reasonably easy interview procedure composed of a face to face and / or group panel interview, in which a talents test and a personality test are given. The standard interview query might include, "Tell me about a time you faced a challenge and how you handled it?" Potential workers can apply on the web or in person, and telephone interviews are infrequently conducted before the face to face interview. Candidates who are offered positions can expect to submit to a background probe.

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