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About Marshall's®

Number of Employees: 10,000+
Headquarters: The TJX Companies, Inc. 770 Cochituate Road Framingham, MA 01701 Main Number: 508-390-1000

Marshall's Inc. is a United States chain of department stores. It was founded in Boston Massachusetts in 1956. Its headquarters are currently in Framingham Massachusetts. Marshals sells a very wide range of products; Shoppers can expect to find anything from women's clothing and foot ware, to bedding and other household products. Certain Marshall's stores are traditional facilities on a smaller scale, but there are several Marshall's mega stores. The mega stores sell a wider range of products and have a larger quantity of them in stock. Very recently, Marshall's has expanded into Canada. Before that expansion Marshall's had store locations in 48 states as well as Puerto Rico.

What to Expect When Interviewing

The bulk of candidates that interview for a position with Marshall's report a positive interview experience. Potential staff can look forward to a reasonably simple interviewing procedure composed of a face to face and / or group panel interview, in which a talents test and a personality test could be given. The standard interview query might include, "How would you handle working in a fast-paced retail environment?" Potential staff can apply on the web or in person, and telephone interviews are infrequently conducted before the face to face interview.

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