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About Applebee's®

Number of Employees: 28,000
Headquarters: Kansas City, Missouri, U.S.

Applebee’s Neighborhood Bar and Grille, currently owned by dining operator DineEquity, is the largest casual dining chain in the US, with approximately 2,000 restaurants located throughout the US. Almost all of their restaurants are franchised. The ambiance is classic sports bar with local memorabilia giving each restaurant a home town vibe. They offer a varied menu including beef, chicken, pork, seafood, burgers, and pasta. Applebee’s headquarters is in Kansas City, Missouri.

What to Expect When Interviewing

Applebee’s locations accept online and in person applications. The initial interview may take place quickly, and it is often very brief. At times, group interviews are conducted, with open Q&A questions that relate to customer service approach. At some locations, applicants are also given written personality tests. To prepare for the interview, think through your approach to the difficult customer situations that restaurant staff are likely to encounter, such as patron dissatisfaction with their meal, disputes over the bill, and patrons changing their minds after the original order is submitted.

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