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About Albertsons®

Number of Employees: 5000+
Headquarters: Boise, ID

Albertsons is the second largest drug and food retailer in the US and has over 250,000 employees and 2,200 stores in 29 different States. Founded in 1939, this Boise, Idaho based privately operated and owned company is the 2nd biggest supermarket chain in the US (Kroger is 1st). Its main products are general grocery, meat, dairy, frozen foods, deli, pharmacy, seafood, liquor, and snack food items. Its net income in 2016 was $58.7 billion. Albertsons, which removed the apostrophe in its name in 2002, has experienced an upswing in sales after acquiring Safeway in 2015.

What to Expect When Interviewing

A lot of candidates that interview for a position at Albertsons report a positive interview experience. Potential staff can anticipate a reasonably easy interviewing process composed from a face to face interview with a store executive, in which a character test might be given and standard interview questions are posed. An example might include a question like, "Why would you like to work for Albertson's?" Potential staff can apply on the Internet or in person, and telephone interviews are occasionally conducted for those that apply on the Internet. Candidates who are offered positions might need to finish a drug test and submit to a background probe.

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Overnight Replenishment Associate

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