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About Circle K®

Number of Employees: 5000+
Headquarters: 3003 North Central Avenue, Suite 1600 Phoenix, Arizona 85012 U.S.A. Telephone: (602) 530-5001 Fax

Circle K is an international chain of convenience stores originally founded in 1951 in El Paso, TX. Since the early 1980?s, Circle K has consistently been the largest company owned convenience store chain in the United States. The size of Circle K and its geographical diversity allows it to present unique employment opportunities to individuals from diverse cultures and socioeconomic backgrounds. From the college student working as a clerk in the store to the college graduate working in the corporate office, there are plenty opportunities for growth. For those that are self-motivated and driven, this is a great opportunity to plant yourself. Circle K has strengthened its position in the market amongst some powerful energy giants, insuring that they will be around for years to come.Circle K is an international chain of convenience stores originally founded in 1951 in El Paso, TX. Since the early 1980?s, Circle K has consistently been the largest company owned convenience store chain in the United States. The size of Circle K and its geographical diversity allows it to present unique employment opportunities to individuals from diverse cultures and socioeconomic backgrounds. From the college student working as a clerk in the store to the college graduate working in the corporate office, there are plenty opportunities for growth. For those that are self-motivated and driven, this is a great opportunity to plant yourself. Circle K has strengthened its position in the market amongst some powerful energy giants, insuring that they will be around for years to come.

What to Expect When Interviewing

Lots of candidates that interview for a position with Circle K report a neutral interview experience. Potential staff can anticipate a reasonably easy interviewing process composed of a face to face and / or group panel interview, in which a talents test and a personality test might be given. The standard interview query might include, "You witness a colleague stealing a unimportant item ; what do you do?" Potential workers can apply on the Internet or in person, and telephone interviews are infrequently conducted before the face to face interview. Some candidates who are offered positions can expect to submit to a background probe.

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