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About UPS®

Number of Employees: 401,000
Headquarters: Sandy Springs, Georgia, U.S.

United Parcel Service (UPS) is the world's largest package delivery company, and provides specialized transportation and logistics services around the globe. In more than 220 countries around the globe UPS brown trucks and planes are moving more than 15 million packages a day to their final destinations. UPS technology is at the center of many companies' efforts to optimize their supply chain and helps its drivers optimize their daily routes. Through a chain of UPS stores, the company offers business services, mailbox addresses, and custom packaging and shipping services to individual customers as well as businesses.

What to Expect When Interviewing

Interview process is fairly standard and it is not drawn out. Expect the typical strengths/weaknesses questions, some behavioral and personality questions, and the opportunity to have a fruitful dialog that addresses your questions. Online applications for package handling jobs are reviewed quickly. Some positions are screened through third-party recruiters. Those applying for package handler and delivery positions need to articulate their experience and qualifications for the physical requirements, shift hours, and pace of the job. When applying for positions at a UPS store, be prepared to answer questions about how you would handle difficult customers. Decisions and offers are communicated quickly after the interview.

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