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About Panera Bread®

Number of Employees: 40,100
Headquarters: Sunset Hills, Missouri, U.S.

Panera continues to innovate in the casual dining space, offering nutritious and tasty breakfast, dinner, and snack menu items that are true to the company’s commitment of offering food that everyone can feel good about eating. They are committed to clean eating, a transparent menu, and positive impact. Panera offers a generous loyalty program and online ordering so guests can avoid the lines at the register and pickup counters, and meals are packed well for those on the go. With a mix of booths, tables, and comfortable seats by the fireplace, Panera makes a perfect meeting spot for friends, small social groups, and even employee interviews.

What to Expect When Interviewing

Panera accepts walk-in applications, and they will accept applicants without work experience who display eagerness and a pleasant, outgoing personality. The company also accepts online applications and usually follows up quickly with a phone interview. The interview format is very relaxed and congenial. Questions are fairly standard and cover work history, career goals, and availability to work. Sometimes there are two separate manager interviews. The hiring decision is usually made immediately.

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